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What We Do When We Represent You

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What We Do When We Represent You

Cantor Law Group’s Estate Planning and Trust Attorneys will prepare a comprehensive plan as required to your specific needs.  In addition to a Last Will and Testament, we can design a Revocable Living Trust that can protect all of your assets for your beneficiaries so that your assets go where and to whom you want, and not to creditors or opportunistic litigious individuals.  Also, this Trust will allow you to make provisions for your minor children, both if you are incapacitated while alive or after death.  They can also be designed to help eliminate or greatly reduce Estate Taxes for your heirs.  Separate documents would include a Durable Power of Attorney, which could allow your spouse or another to handle your financial matters if you simply choose to, or if you become incapacitated or go missing.  In addition, Health Care Directives can detail your choices regarding comfort measures should you become gravely ill.  It can also dictate whether you wish to have all life-saving efforts conducted, and also what your preference is regarding “life support” decisions and duration.  Finally, we will prepare a Durable Mental Health Powers of Attorney, should you begin to have a mental decline resulting in psychiatric issues which require inpatient care or confinement. 

Once we are finished drafting all documents for you, we can provide support for “Funding your Assets,” or “Asset Migration” into your Trust.  This would include all of your Arizona real estate, along with your bank and stock accounts.  Also insurance policies, business formations, car titles, art and other assets can be migrated into your Trust as you wish.  Lastly, when all of this has been completed, we will provide you with a three-ring binder and a Thumb Drive, which will contain all documents and contact information.  It will also include your final wishes as to burial/cremation, and memorial services.  And, because the world has become more technologically savvy, we would include all passwords to your various electronic accounts and devices.  This is especially useful to allowing permission for one of your heirs to access all of the data and photos contained on your iPhone.  At that point, it is up to you to let your most trusted heir know where you keep this Estate Planning Binder and Thumb Drive. 

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