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Petition For Dissolution of Marriage with Children

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Petition For Dissolution of Marriage with Children

A “Petition for Dissolution” is the first paperwork which is filed to begin a “Divorce” action. Along with the Petition for Dissolution a “Preliminary Injunction” will be filed. In addition, some women also file a request for “Maiden Name Restoration”. An “Order and Notice to Attend Parent Information Program Classes” will also be filed with the Petition. This is an official court order and failure to obey may result in Contempt of Court. What this means is both you and your spouse must complete these classes within 45 days from the Petition being served. Also, these classes must be completed before the Judge will finalize your “Decree of Dissolution“. Our paralegals will provide you with the “Parent Information Program Notice” which includes all information necessary on where to go, costs, how to sign up, and how to get final completion notices sent to the Court.

Once all of these documents are filed with the Court, the Court will check to make sure the Petitioner has “Residency” in order for the Court to have “Jurisdiction”. One of the two spouses must live in Arizona for at least 90 days before the filing of a “Petition for Dissolution”. Once the Petition is filed, there is a 60-day waiting period after “Service of Process” on the other spouse before any “Divorce” can become final.

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