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Jocelyne Escalante

Jocelyne Escalante


Jocelyne Escalante


Jocelyne was raised in her lovely country of Honduras before moving to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 2016, where she completed her Criminal Justice degree with a minor in Legal Studies at Chestnut Hill College. Later, Jocelyne decided to relocate to Arizona after visiting family members multiple times. She fell in love with the beautiful state of Arizona and was eager to start a new adventure. When moving to Arizona, Jocelyne had the opportunity to work for the Attorney General’s Office in the Child Protective Services Division. While working there, she realized how much passion she has for helping other people. As a Paralegal with three years of experience, Jocelyne plans to continue to make a difference in the lives of others while impacting the world in a meaningful way.

Outside work, Jocelyne enjoys spending time with family, friends, and her dog, Lucky (also named “Lucky Boy”). Two and a half years ago, she rescued Lucky. Jocelyn always liked to believe that Lucky needed her as much as she needed him. It has been the greatest adventure, and she is excited to keep making more memories with him. Exploring new coffee shops where they are dog-friendly is their favorite thing to do together.

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