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What is Guardian ad Litem in Arizona

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What is Guardian ad Litem in Arizona

During divorce proceedings, when emotions are frequently running high, the motivation for parents’ actions or wishes is sometimes called into question. In such circumstances, the court will often appoint a ‘guardian ad litem’; an independent expert in assessing what is in the child’s best interests. The guardian ad litem assumes the decision-making responsibility for the child, by assessing the child’s needs, and reporting back to the court regarding matters such as parental custody and visitation rights.

The appointment of a guardian ad litem can often be extremely upsetting for the child’s natural parents, as they perceive their parental responsibility to have been usurped. Parents often have many unanswered questions as to their rights and the best course of action to take, and are unsure where to obtain the best advice. In such circumstances, consulting an attorney who is an expert in the relevant field is essential.

Cantor Law Group is here to provide the best solution. With over 70 years of combined experience, we have all the expertise you need to bring about the best possible outcome for both you and your child. Listed in the Bar Register of Pre-Eminent Lawyers®, we are also AV® Rated by Martindale-Hubbelll®, meaning we are able to bring a wealth of experience and expertise to your case, ensuring that the best outcome is achieved.

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