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Comparison Shopping for Attorneys

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Comparison Shopping for Attorneys

Are you searching around for the right Family Law firm to handle your case? Since we expect you to shop around before you hire an attorney, we’ve put together a list of questions to ask a prospective Family Law firm before you hire one. Hopefully this list will be helpful:

  1. Does the Law Firm sell its cases to other attorneys and call them “Of Counsel”?

    • Cantor Law Group does not sell its cases!
  2. Is the Law Firm listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers?

  3. Is the Law Firm’s named partner listed in the Southwest Superlawyers Publication?

  4. Is the Law Firm’s named partner listed in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Arizona by the American Association of Trial Lawyers?

    • Cantor Law Group is listed in all 4 publications!
    • There is a reason Law Firms are (or are not) Top Rated.
  5. Does the Law Firm list its client testimonials on their website?

  6. Ask the Law Firm how many Trials have resulted in favorable outcomes since the Law Firm was formed.

  7. Did the Trial Victories which a Law Firm claims actually occur while the winning lawyer was employed by that Law Firm – or did they occur while the lawyer was employed elsewhere?

    • Remember – Leadership and a Culture of Quality begins and flows from the top down!
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